Where in the world is Nicole?

A lot has been going on in my life fairly recently and I can’t devote most of my time to my stories like I used to. This explains the slower (than usual) update schedule. I have been working on things, though. It hasn’t been quite productive, but I have been working.

I actually had a new chapter of TAU ready, but my mother accidentally deleted it when she used my computer. Will always have a backup copy now.

I’ve also been considering taking my writing seriously and maybe even writing a novel. The thought has been in the back of my mind lately and I’m just beginning to toy around with it. I have a story idea that I would like to expand on and maybe develop, but I don’t know if I will stay committed to it once I take it “seriously”. I’m not a serious person. It is already going to be developed in sim-story form, but I may decide to write it in novel form as well. Who knows what the future will hold?

But for now, I’m just focusing on getting updates out and not playing around with my sims all the time. They’re so fun, though.